Sunday, January 5, 2014

Zombies! Run!

Met up with Melissa at open gym to work on some accessory weaknesses. Watched her CRUSH some weight and find a 50# PR on her front squat and both of us unhappy on bench press. Note to self....must bench more. I did get a 10# PR on my front squat. We do these like twice a year now (it seems) so it was nice to focus on them and see improvement. CrossFit always surprises me when things you don't train develop into PR's. How does THAT happen? One of my favorite moments (other than the cool PR's) was an unknown guy commenting on Melissa and I being so supportive of each other while training. LOL! Well....that's what we DO! How can you improve and gain accomplishments without a supportive network of people?!

Other than hanging at the gym for awhile it was a typical Sunday. Laundry, cleaning, food prep. Not sure when I am getting my Christmas stuff down. So, if anyone is still wanting to celebrate the spirit of Christmas, stop on by and enjoy.

Breakfast @ 9:15

2 whole eggs - poached (REALLY enjoying these right now)
1 slice ezekiel toast with 1/2 T of coconut oil

1000m Row (My time suuuuuuucked! That was even with a 100 m sprint at the end. :/)


Roller, 3 way banded shoulder, pigeon and lat

Front Squat:

1x5 75#; 1x5 95#; 3x5 115#; 1x2 135#; 1x1 145#

Bench Press:

1x5 65#; 1x5 75#, 1x3 85#, 1x3 95#, 1x1 105#
1 Mile Run through Park:13:43 (Used the Zombies, Run app! It was really fun! I actually had to sprint to get away from the zombies! I will definitely be using that app more often. Totally got running out of my head mentally, so it was a much more enjoyable run than normal.) 

Post-Training: Muscle Pharm Aminos
Lunch @ 1:00

1 c Plain Greek Yogurt
1/4 c pineapple
Snack @ 4:00

2 c spinach
6 grape tomatoes
4.8 oz chicken
Dinner @ 7:00 (Really? I forgot a photo?!)

2 c spinach
4.6 oz turkey breast with taco seasoning
1/4 c black beans

Snack @10:00

1/2 c greek yogurt
12.5 g protein powder

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