Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Like a Sir

Today presented a new discovery. Turns out I can finally drink tea WITHOUT sugar or honey. It's been a good year of weaning, first off sugar, now off of the honey. So now, I drink tea like a sir. Of course, I went from being a sir at work to zombie training at the gym, but that is par for the course these days. Also found it's time to make new friends in the 4:00-5:00 hour. It was a bit quiet and lonely today. So, watch out guys...Jess is putting her game face on. Oh....wait......
Breakfast @6:45

2 whole poached eggs
1/2 cinnamon raisin ezekiel (WHO ATE ALL THE PLAIN MUFFINS?! Oh...mighta been me.)
1/2 T coconut oil
Snack @ 10:30

1 C plain greek yogurt
1/4 c blueberries
Lunch @ 1:30

1 c spinach
4.8 chicken
Pre-WOD 25 g protein

5:00 WOD Zombie Skills (142 reps)
1. 60 sec Sledge Hammer Strikes (small hammer)
60 seconds rest
2. 60 sec stone to shoulder (46#)
60 seconds rest
3. 60 sec dog sled push (140#)
60 seconds rest
4. 60 sec KB swing (35#)
60 seconds rest
5. 60 sec Airdyne
60 seconds rest
6. 60 sec sandbag shuttle sprints
60 seconds rest
7. 60 sec row for calories
60 seconds rest
8. 60 sec box jump overs
60 seconds rest

9. 60 sec Curtis P (Oly bar)
60 seconds rest
10. 60 sec burpee pull ups

Post- WOD

Muscle Pharm Aminos
Dinner @ 7:30

4 oz turkey breast
2 c spinach

Snack @ 9:30

1/2 c greek yogurt
12.5 g protein powder

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