Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Want it All!

Anyone who is not a foodaholic really has no idea what a struggle something as simple as running to the grocery for a container of greek yogurt can be. From the moment we walk in, we are bombarded with pastries, ice creams, candies, cakes, chips, pop, and every other disgusting and poor choice known to man. It's so kind of the them to arrange their store so that I have to pass BY IT ALL on my way to the BACK of the store where they hide my poor plain style greek yogurt, while it is quietly crying in the dairy case like a wallflower at an 8th grade dance. Some days it takes ridiculous feats of mental strength to get through it all. Either way, EVERY time I walk past it, my mind secretly tells me to "pick it up. What's the harm? Who will know? It will taste soooooo good." Seriously...I cannot describe the mental battle that occurs every day. Let's not even mention the CRUELTY of the store to stock so very little of my poor container of yogurt that it is rarely even in the case. So, now I've successfully run the guantlet, only to not the get the cheese! Dammit. Fortunately, today is a day of strength.
Breakfast @ 6:45

2 whole poached eggs
1/2 ezekiel muffin
Snack @ 10:45

1 c plain greek yogurt
1/4 c blueberries
Lunch @ 1:45 (Alllllmost missed it!)

1 c salad mix
4 grape tomatoes
4.3 oz chicken
During Oly class @ 4:00

25 g protein shake
3-position muscle snatch to overhead squat (floor, above knee, hip), 4 x 3 @ 45#
2 position snatch, floor + hang from below knee, 4 x 2 @ 55#
Snatch from floor, peak of 2 @ 85#

Mobility: gastroc soleus stretch, 1 minute each side; spiderman stretch, 1 minute each side; floor pec stretch, 30 seconds each side/position
Dynamic Warm-up: 2 rounds of: 10 heel press downs, 10 jump squats, 5 changing grip push-ups, 10 hanging lat pull downs, leg/arm swings as needed
Skill #1: pistols, 6 x 3 (work towards weighted)
Skill #2: kipping butterfly pull-ups
Complete 12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Jumping lunges each leg Burpees
Clapping push-ups


Muscle Pharm Aminos

Dinner @ 7:30

4 oz turkey breast
2 c spinach
Snack @ 9:30

1/2 c greek yogurt
12.5 g protein powder

1 comment:

  1. DUDE! That is seriously what goes on in my head too!! Legit, like I told you... the other day, at every single store when I went to check out... the stupid candy display was making me go all "acid trip" and I swear to blog the freakin' York Peppermint Patties were calling my name... just one, just buy one, wait, we're on sale buy all three, stock the others, you know you need chocolate every night before bed. Ugh!!! Serious hot sweats. That shiz is cray!
