Thursday, January 16, 2014

New meal plan!

So, the gods heard my plea (AKA - Rob), and sent me a diet adjustment and it has BACON!! Of course, I couldn't make it today because it will require a small bit of shopping, so same foods as usual.

However, last night and today I kept having this feeling like someone shoved a baseball under my rib cage. I thought maybe it was an enlarged spleen from overusage during this sick season in our house. When I went to the WOD, it kinda felt like it was pressing on my lungs, but thought I might be OK to do this thing anyway. As SOON as we ran out for the WOD, the pain started in my back, radiating from this baseball in my gut. I ran the whole WarFit 800 (that's what we train for right?) and decided I wasn't going to do this. I need to go to the ER. If it is what I think it is, I need to get in to see someone right away. Of course, I was hungry AS SOON as I walked out of the gym, but I have priorities....WTF IS THIS THING IN MY GUT?!

Spent the next 3 hours in the ER getting bloodwork, urine samples, and chest X-Rays. I'm embarrassed....and RELIEVED to's either acid reflux (which I DO have), gasteroenteritis, or an ulcer. I get to see a GI specialist and get a cool scope thingy to "check things out down there." There were MANY questions about my drinking habits, which is a bummer. I don't even come close to living up to their expectations/questions about how often I drink. I definitely don't drink enough.

We left at 9:00 and of course, I'M STILL STARVED. I'm sorry, but my options were few, it needed to be fast and there was no way in hell I was going to cook. So the double-double protein/animal style happened. I swear to Rob (tee hee...get it?), if I lose weight today I am punching someone in the throat!

Breakfast @ 7:15

Snack @ 11:00

Lunch @ 2:00 (took half an hour to chew up that chicken and those tomatoes may have been one of the culprits in my attack tonight.)

Pre-WarFit 800 (LOL!)

Thar she is....the glorious double-double (and my truth in publication.) ;)

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