Friday, December 6, 2013

Suck it up Princess....

I hesitated before I commented on Melissa's first blog post about also needing this "accountability bloggy thingy" in my life. The irony is that just 24 hours prior, I had started a private message to Rob asking for this exact thing, but deleted it. I hesitated because of Christmas, the upcoming Christmas holiday parties, New Years, then my traditional Mexican feast for the Fiesta Bowl game, and traveling in mid-January. All excuses....all excuses that continue to push my goal dates further down the line. I hit "post" and waited. Within minutes, Rob had liked my comment. DAMN....but Thank God! So conflicted! He took the decision out of my hands. The next morning a find a nice, little, private message waiting for me saying "You ready?" My mental dialog...SUCK IT UP PRINCESS!

You see...I THRIVE on competition and accountability. When left alone to motivate myself, all I motivate myself toward is the cookie pile. Fortunately, during my 10 week stint for the WarFit Challenge in early 2012, I had learned enough about foods, that I can at least maintain my weight. Unfortunately, I can only mentally focus for about 2 weeks on a self imposed meal plan before I crack and fall off the "wagon."

It's always been about weight for me. Am I strong? Yep. Do I bust my butt every day in the gym? Yep. But all I do is maintain balance in the weight category. Why do I have mental toughness in the gym but not in my food? Will I ever know the answer? I always tell others to not obsess about their weight, and here I am....obsessing about it. Why? Because my weight keeps me from my long term goals; my CrossFit goals, my appearance goals, and my health goals. As I said to Rob today in our meeting "I'm training for my Cougar years!" Let's face it, I ain't get any younger...or prettier. I have a very narrow window of time in my "youth." Time to live it up!

This blog will be all about daily struggles/successes, and my food and workout diary. Which is great, but means nothing without a goal. So, what are my goals?
  1. Smaller size, of course, but I refuse to define it with a scale number. Short term goal is a size 12 pant size. 
  2. GYMNASTICS! I can't even describe how many WOD's I haven't been able to RX because I can't do ANY gymnastic movement. This is directly related to weight. Plus-side...I've been training for a year with a 50# weight vest in body weight!
  3. RUNNING! I suck. Period. My 1 mile run rivals most peoples 1 mile walk and I'm actually USING a running motion! WTH?! 
Timeline: Comfortable size 14 and cut 1 min of my run time by my mid-Jan trip. This will require some extra running, so I will add a WarFit 800 (1100m) 2-3 times a week. I will continue to work lat pulls to build toward strict pull-ups and attend a minimum of 1 gymnastics class each week, working skills as my strength to weight ratio continues to evolve.

Thanks for reading! All I ask is that you keep me accountable people!!!

Blessings - 



  1. You've got this, Jess! I hope you realize that you are already beautiful on the inside as well as out. (But I know how hard it is to convince yourself of that.) I cannot wait to follow you on this journey which I will do daily to help you with that whole "accountability" thing. Pony up, Princess! Let's get this show on the road!

  2. Awww....thanks Michelle, I really appreciate it! TFJ

  3. Okay, Okay... Accountability is GOOD.

    I know you, and I know you well. You WILL succeed. This I know!.

    (How many more times can I type the word know in one knowing comment from a know-it-all. Know. Just checking. lol)
