Monday, December 9, 2013

Endorphin...the drug of choice

Granted, I spent most of my day hungry (think starting off with the protein shake may not be my best option?), but I also find today I am hungry to get my LIFE back. Feeling good about my workout today (PR'd my Isabel time by 20 seconds and ALMOST got the 95# snatch!), getting our finances back under control now that Ed has FT employment, control over my free time as I put my 2 week notice in at the yogurt shop, and getting this food stuff under control. Congratulating Sam and Ashley on their weekend success was like the cherry on top! I was on an endorphin high driving from the gym to pick Kaitlyn up. If I coulda given myself a high 5, I woulda.

Breakfast @ 7:45

25g whey
1/2 ezekiel raisin muffin
with 1/2 t organic coconut oil

Morning Snack @ 10:45

1 cup plain greek yogurt
1/4 cup fresh cut pineapple

Hungry at 12:30!! WHY?!

Lunch @ 1:00

4.5 oz chicken breast
1 c organic spinach
6 organic grape tomatoes

Snack @4:00 on the way to the gym

2 whole boiled and 1 white

WOD in the 5:00 class

PR'd Isabel with 75# in 3:51

Post - WOD
Muscle-Pharm Aminos
Drive to pick Kaitlyn up, so I got home at 7:15

Dinner @ 7:45

4.5 oz of turkey breast
1/4 c black beans
1 c of spinach (maybe...I was in a hurry and starving, so threw it on there)

Now I'm late posting because I had to take that rugrat shopping and she surprised me by WANTING to shop for cool clothes!!! And the caterpillar begins her own metamorphosis. (I'm pretty much beside myself right now over this.)

All in all...FANTASTIC DAY! Super pumped and ready to take on another. On to my 1/2 c greek yogurt and 12.5 g of whey and off to bed. Grow muscles...GROW!

*Addendum* I somehow managed to cook and cube chicken AND do a load of laundry. Bed doesn't come till 11:30, but I think I deserve a cape for today.


  1. Heck Yes you do!!! You are definitely super mom, it's part of the reason we're besties! hehe. Another reason... you're always rubbing your science-y stuff on me! I now know what Endorphins are!

    1. LOL! Awesome! But is "rubbing" the right word? ;)
