Been in a 2014 goal setting mode for about a week. I decided I would create a murder board, so that I can cross off my goals as I "murder" them. I brought Jen along for the ride and she suggested a few days ago that we go with the major categories that could be found in the Competitor's classes. The only thing missing was the Nutrition component, which is pretty critical for me, so I added that column and created a color coded schedule of when I am specifically training each segment. As Ed says....Type A. The murder board will reside over my desk, which is in the corner of my bedroom. So, my goals will always be looming...even as I sleep.
In typical style, I like to drag people into my pain and misery with me. So, not only is Jen recruited, but I have actively recruited Melissa and Lori to participate in the same way. They are just the gals I have run into over the last few days. Give me time and I will have more, I'm certain. ;)
The Weekly Schedule:
Detail view #1
Detail View #2 (ignore the junk in the corner, LOL!):
Back on track with meals today, thankfully. Retaining SO MUCH WATER! I feel disgustingly bloated and hungry today.

Breakfast @ 8:00
2 eggs scrambled in 1/2 T coconut oil
1 slice ezekiel raisin toast
WOD @ 9:00 am

Post-WOD @ 10:00
Muscle Pharm Aminos

Lunch/Snack @ 12:10
1 C Plain Greek Yogurt
1/4 c pineapple

Lunch/Snack @ 3:00
1 C Spinach
4.6 oz chicken
6 grape tomatoes

Dinner @ 6:30
2 C green bean soup
Contains ham, green beans, and I took most potatoes out.
Ham bone broth, no cornbread like the family. ;)
9:00 tonight
1/2 c greek yogurt
12.5 g protein powder
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