Yep...failed on a 225# box squat and while waiting for spotters to grab the weight, I strained my back....again as I was attempting to NOT go ass over tea kettle (AKA: headfirst to the ground). I am beyond pissed at myself right now. Currently on muscle relaxers, rolled it out, probably gonna hit some vitamin IB and hope for the best. I REALLY don't want to set myself back a week of training just as we are ramping up for the new year. Regardless of what my brain wants, the body will determine what happens over the next week.
Plus side, 215# box squat is my PR. Melissa is killin' it though. ;) Daaaaaaamn Gina!
<----- This was nearly me

Breakfast @ 9:00
2 whole eggs fried in 1/2 T coconut oil
1/2 ezekiel muffin

Snack @ 12:15
1 C Greek Yogurt
1/4 c fresh pineapple

Lunch @ 3:00
2 C spinach
4.9 oz chicken (out of grape tomatoes)
Snack @5:00
25 g protein powder

After accessory class
Muscle Pharm Aminos

Dinner @ 7:30
2 c spinach
4.7 oz turkey with taco seasoning
1/4 c black beans
Snack @ 10:00
1/2 c greek yogurt
12.5 g protein powder
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