Things that should be easy seem to always to wrong. Maybe the problem is the things? Could be my hard charger personality. Whatever it is, it brought on a pile of suck today. Ironic. Life has a way of balancing the good with the bad. Stellar day yesterday balanced by a relatively crappy one today. Did get to see my CF BFF Jen today, so that was a HUGE bright spot in my day. :)
Started my day with a sick husband courtesy of a little e. coli from a local Smashburger. Awesome...we only have plans all week, including taking the kids to the Polar Express to the North Pole. Been waiting years for this. Not to's our anniversary tomorrow.
After I dropped Kaitlyn off at school, I decided to do a little car maintenance in preparation for the trip to Williams for the Polar Express, where they notified me they would be unable to put air in my low tire because the hubcap is covering the valve....naturally. So, now I get to add another task to my to do list for tomorrow. *sigh*
I head into work, that proceeds to turn into a circus. Ultimately got to my lunch late and never ate my eggs before the WOD today.
After picking up Kaitlyn, I stop off to pick up saltines and ginger ale for the hubby's tummy and get home at 7:45 with dinner left to cook for myself. So, another late night. I didn't even get to sit down to put this together until 9:00 and 5 minutes in a need to whip up some homemade chicken noodle soup. LOL! Now THAT's a skill I lacked 2 years ago. No cans today, just homemade stuff. I swear our days don't NORMALLY happen like this, just an insane week in our household and work lives. Like dominoes around here. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
WOD was ok. My row time was silly slow today, probably due to lack of fuel. However, I was SUPER excited over the LEGIT box jumps I was repping out today, until I measured the box I was using. Oh.......a whopping 13". LOL! Oh well, they weren't step ups, they were jump up, jump down, so it was COOL none the less. :)

25g protein shake
1/2 cinnamon raison ezekiel muffin
1/2 t coconut oil

Snack @ 10:15 running late, actually not hungry, but eating on time anyway.
1 c plain greek yogurt
1/4 c fresh pineapple
Hungry @ 12:15

Then got stupid busy at work...didn't get a chance to eat until 2:00!! Kill me!
5 oz grilled chicken
1 c of spinach
6 grape tomatoes
I did something wrong making my chicken this week. It tastes like I just licked a raw package of chicken. Balsamic will be a necessity until that chicken is all gone. It's pretty gross.

Post WOD
Muscle-Pharm Aminos
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