Sunday, December 29, 2013

I don't always buy Coach, but when I do, it's Football Sunday

So excited to be done working at TCBY and be able to enjoy the last Cardinals game of the season. Immediately after hootin and hollering and bitching at the TV over football, I went to be a girl with my CFBFF Jen Coen to buy my first Coach purse. What? Don't judge...I am frugal with my money. ;) It was a good day!
Breakfast @ 9:00

2 whole eggs fried in 1/2 T of coconut oil
over 1 slice of plain ezekiel toast
Snack @ 1:00

1 C plain Greek Yogurt
1/4 C fresh pineapple
Lunch @ 3:00

2 c spinach
3 grape tomatoes (Kaitlyn ate them all!!)
4.8 oz chicken breast
Dinner @ 7:00

2 C spinach
4.8 oz ground turkey and taco seasoning
1/4 c black beans
Dollop of greek yogurt on top (approx 2 T?)
Planned for 9:00

1/2 c greek yogurt
12.5 g protein

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